Sunday, January 11, 2009

Prayer requests for week of Jan 11

Irene: Please pray for my son-in-law Bob - he has been diagnosed with a non-maglignant tumor in one part of his brain and he has another "lesion" in his temporal lobe and is seeing a neural surgeon on Tuesday."

Loo: The ability to withstand the winter and a series of colds, my son has his mocks next week, and Moo has a piano exam

Allie-Please pray for my family, my class and my ministry that God may make clear to me my purpose in his own time.

Helene: I would like people to pray for Phil's vision to improve. Also that I get over the tiredness I feel.

Joycelyn: continued prayer for work and mom's health and things here to continue upward :)

Sas: my younger bro, the band are in the recordin studios for their new album and over the next two months it will be really tense time and a lot of travellin
and for me to stop havin so much doubt

Wilf: Strength, wisdom, obedience

Able: I would like to pray for a gift of faith :-) Never can have to much

Arundel: for everyone to experience God's peace


Special prayer request: I'd like to ask you to pray for a very good Anglican SL friend of mine, Cady. Cady is having tensions at her job right now which are very unpleasant, and things are seeming very unfair indeed as well. Please remember her about her job, that God would provide for her, and that God would give her peace and help her job situation.