Monday, March 23, 2009

Eternal Perspectives (Randy Alcorn's blog): Longing for God and Joy, from Augustine

“Thou hast made us for Thyself O God, and the heart of man is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.”

We just discussed Psalm 63 and longing for God.

Here is some good material for thinking about longing for God - I thought of Augustine when considering the thought of loneliness. Randy Alcorn here addresses Augustine's notion of the restless heart longing for God, which never finds peace until it finds such in God. This is a very important notion in Augustine's thought in general, and has itself become an important stream in theology.

There are moments that I feel lonely and isolated, but after thought and meditation, realize that part of this - is simply longing for God - and when I recognize this - it allows me to follow my longing for God into thanks, praise, and joy. Here, loneliness ... can ... lead to joy.

Eternal Perspectives (Randy Alcorn's blog): Longing for God and Joy, from Augustine