Saturday, February 14, 2009

Prayers 15 February

Irene: Praise for the continued healing of my friend Joe...they removed his breathing tube! Peace for my daughter and her husband, Bob.

Wilfried: for focus on my work and things I have to do.

Johnnie: continue prayer for hours at work to stabilize, regular hours, consistant, not 10 one week and one 40 hours

Saskia: for guidance and knowledge

Able: Son (sick) gets better AND focus for work (exam coming up).

Joyous: For my friend Richard, who is still suffering results of an auto accident. That he regain health and courage

Adam: for my brother in law and family- he has leukemia

Helene: for guidance and peace while waiting for decision regarding ordination process

Joycelyn: for a good job - for stabilizing of her mother's health