Saturday, January 31, 2009

Prayer requests, 31 January

Joyous: For guidance. And that I may make a contribution on the vestry

Helene: I have at least two diocesan interviews this week coming - it's all becoming very 'real' - so peace would be good - wisdom, honesty

Irene: Wisdom for David's doctors and for my son-in-law that his doctors will have wisdom and be able to accurately diagnose his illness.

Saskia: For a youth event that we are tryin to organise in our community, that everything comes together and that we are not aiming to big with it. And also that God will show me where he wants me to be and from September.

Able: For focus, and clarity in drawing up a couple of alternative proposals for my dissertation.

Joycelyn: For mom's health to continue to immprove, my house to be sold quickly, and for me to both get an unemployment extension and to find suitable and local full time employment with benefits soon.

Wilfried: For my job, and for getting my things order

Allie: for my parents and my work

Messianerin: for a new job